mercredi 5 février 2014

Plans,Plans,Plans. FUTURE

                                             My plans for the future

Hello guys hope you're doing fine, you are about to read an article about my future plans.
I often wonder about my future as I am about to finish secondary school. The number one question on my mind is which profession should I choose? Should I follow? It is very hard to make any definite choices, because I know they will affect me for the rest of my life. I want a profession that will satisfy me, challenge me, and bring me joy, a job where every day is different than the other.. I believe that a job should be like a hobby. I want to love my work, and know that I'm making a difference in this world even a simple tiny one just to make myself proud and satisfy my dignity.

First of all, I want to finish secondary school. Soon I will take the most important exam of my life - the Baccalaureate. I will be tested in all of the subjects I studied since kindergarten. After my graduation  'ALLELUIA'. I would like to study astrophysics in one of the Top universities of the world such as Stanford - MIT-or CALL TECH ...

Ever since I was a child, I have dreamt of space ABOUTthe infinite world , space dust all the components of this breath-taking universe,that never stops expanding, all of this sounds mind freak and That's why I would do anything to discover the world’s hidden secrets and blossom the world with new science, new theories , new homework for future students (HHAHAAAHAH evil laugh) where new Einsteins are born.

It takes a really long time to study astrophysics. It is extremely difficult and requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work. That is why clichés treat the  world of Astrophysics as rocket science this mind freak devour several years of our life, consume your youth and early life’s joy but I sincerely hope ,wish I will be able to meet these challenges and conquer, and that my dream will come true. Later, I would like to work in the famous international space station (NASA).

During my secondary studies, I worked on maths and physics projects. The experience from working on these projects has given me insight into science that far exceeds what I could have learned at school. In addition, I also developed my ambition and diligence, and gained valuable experience when I surfed the web asking for information. All of this advantages sure gave me a certain push and encouragement to look up and hang to this dream that sounds impossible.
Here is one of  favorite memories, on my 8th birthday my father brought me a miniature telescope, indeed, it was a silly kid’s game but for me it’s was a sparkle of hope, rosiness and ambition. I started to check out the stars but eventually I wasn’t able but I didn’t stop at all until my father bought me another one but this time, I was more mature so it wasn’t a simple game but a real one although it was week, that reaches only small distances. Well as matter of fact telescopes cost a lot of money and this one wasn’t cheep at all but was really a scratch  comparing to the others.
 I believe that this life experience of my childhood’s dream and my innocent look ups to the future gave me a fresh  taste and a bright perspective of a scientific  path.
I cannot really imagine having a family yet, I am only 15 years old, so I’m not paying it none of my interest or attention.
As for now, I am only focusing my attention on finishing my studies. Also, before having a family, I would like to travel overseas. I want to see different countries, different cultures, maybe I'll go on a marriage request to find my other soul mate LOL;  to Japan, RUSSIA or SWITZERLAND, China, Thailand and travel through the south American continent. After  finish ing my education and travels, I'll probably take in consideration the need of stability and  the need to a family, my plans are so humble and modest, although a marriage in the Caribbean sounds very interesting and sooooooo much expensive.

I am personally interested and determined in becoming an astrophysicist (however); there is no however for me. The image of an astrophysicist is already graved into my soul, my heart and mind..

So life isn’t going to play it easy on me, It will knock me down several times, but I’ll stick to the Rocky  style, I will always stand up and continue fighting until the final round where I’ll be declared champion thanks to god.
And I think if I succeed  thanks to God ,this blog article is going to be a valuable testament of my grand prize, my hard work, my pain and my struggle.
Hope you like it. Do not hesitate to give your opinion,it is really valuable for me!!

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