lundi 7 avril 2014


Hello there, hope you're doing fine, Today I will share with you one of the best moments I've experienced in my life .so here you go
It took place at the end of the summer, while every child is enjoying his last few days of summer. School back then was a nightmare, my friends hated school, so to glorify the end of the majestious summer, they planned one kind of a trip, a journey where we will act crazy and throw all that craziness away to get a fresh start at school. The driver was one of my friends he was the oldest, he took his father's car, and drove us to Rabat, we were 5, 3 of us didn't menttion a thing to their parents, they have just left without any trace.Of course I couldn't act so irresponsably so I told my parents.
We drove for 3 hours, we haven't stopped from laughing, Every one of us had to crick a joke, and I did for sure, the driver couldn't keep himself from laughing, he  almost ran into a dog.When we got into Rabat, we faced a very difficult problem, Money ran out of us. We spent it all at the highway. Though Gas was not a problem, my friend took the gas card too, so we were releaved for a while, then we took advantage of one of my friend's relatives and ate there, they have been really nice to us. We thanked them and we left  to continue our lovely trip, we went next  to the HARHOURA beach. It was sunny and we were deseprate for some fun. We made some friends there and played with them soccer, we had a blast, the night fell down , we were so tired and hungry. (It's hard being hungry while you don't have a penny) we went back to the car, everyone was hungry, (we could eat a horse back then ) and tired , therefore it wasn't as amusing as the begininnig, actually we were starving, but  we've spent less than 3 hours, Alae my friend , the driver stepped on  gas, to get back as quickly as possible to his house and eat ahahahh . We arrived at 3:00 at the morning. My parents were still awake waiting for me, they have prepared me a very nice dinner, I ate and fell asleep  like a a baby.The next morning everyone wtalked about this trip. We had a blast and I felt like the happiest person in the world. Do not hesitate on leaving a comment.

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