lundi 16 décembre 2013


Summer  is the time when you can see the earth is alive. The smell of blooming flowers or a fresh cut lawn. It is a time when you can feel the warmth of the sun and the real crazy life . To walk barefooted, dig your toes into the sand. Sit outside in the evening and listen to music all night and see the beautiful lights and stars add sparkle to the night. Look up at the night sky in search of shooting stars. The smell of sea. Lay in the bed with the windows open but never sleep, think about the next day, what are you going to do .I really adore summer I believe that it is made for lazy people just like me, 2 months of vacation so peaceful and quiet I would kill to have it right now,  so since I adore this vacation I would like to share with you the activities I practise during this special occasion, in fact I love sport, all kind of sports and here at Morroco i assure you that we don't have a special kind of sport known as a national sport in fact we practice all kind of sports and everywhere and when I say everywhere I do not mean stadiums and  pitches in fact here need is mother of invention. Imagine a Hockey match in a parking track so dirty that you could not recognise the puck from the leg of your partner so here starts chaos, but this kind of chaos usually generates laughs and giggles so we have a blast while playing .well yeah I am quiet being sarcastic about the real situation but I really find it so amusing and joyful to share this piece of information with you, summer is known by chilling and hanging out with friends going to special clubs, and travelling of course.
I was thinking about going to New york this summer , The big apple I do not know why they call it this name, but I'm sure  i will take one big crock of that apple while being there

                                                      6 months ahead and here comes Summer

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