jeudi 21 novembre 2013

Achoura,one of a kind ceremony

First of all i would like to introduce myself, my name is Issam Hamidi , I’m a 10th Grade student from Tangier and i study in « Groupe scolaire le Detroit ».
 I’m going to show you my best day of the year « Achoura » and why it’s so valuable for me and for all the Morrocans.
Morrocan children of every age are celebrating the Festival of Achoura, the tenth day of Muharram, which fell on January 19 th this year. Families traditionally gather together to have special meals and offer zakat or a tenth of their annual income to the poor. Street celebrations, bonfires, and fireworks are other common ways of celebrating.
Trade, in toys and « Taarija » drums, is busy as the holiday gets closer. Dolls, plastic guns, cars, masks, and every other toy imaginable are available. Toys for every budget make choices for the children and family who have financial difficulties .
 Children and adults  usually buy a new drum every season. Some have been collecting the Moroccan drums for many years,me for example I'm on my way to the billionth drum. Friends and families will meet on the big day to play their drum while singing and dancing so it's an occasion to meet distant family .
We the children take the celebrations to the street during the Achoura Festival. Most of us are waiting in anticipation to light up our fireworks .


In prior years  children would set off rockets. Families will meet together for a special meal of dried fruits and couscous. Moroccans will light candles and visit the dead in cemeteries to offer prayers for them.

The final component of Achoura Festival is the offering of zakat.
Achoura comes from the Arabic word for ten, 10. During the festival,We offer zakat or a tenth of the money earned in the previous year to the poor. 
                                                                                                                          Dried fruits


Personally I find this day a day that combines religion, happiness and generosity.
3 super combines mixed all together that gives us a SuperYummy delicious Day !!!!

I hope i have well introduced you to my favorite day of the year , well now it’s your turn to tell us about yours.

2 commentaires:

  1. that sounds very satisfying getting to share your wealth with the poor. i feel that it would be very beneficial for America to have a holiday like that, it would potentially bring down the imprisonment rate and it would potentially create better lives for many.

  2. Sharing wealth with poor people has a lot of advantages on the society refering to what you have said but i think helping another person in need could never be described by words, paragraphs or novels, and could never be limited on the benefits on the society. it's a unique feeling that we experience at that moment,a kind of soul nutrition ( I close this parenthese , i sound like a shrink )
    I totally agree with you,it would be very beneficial for America to have a kind of holiday that celebrates giving and sharing . Now it's My turn to ask you some questions

    What kind of music do you enjoy?
    What sport do you practice the most?
    you sound like a funny person ( i have read your presentation) what humorist do you enjoy watching?
